<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<beilsteinTutorial creator="kosatab@vscht.cz">
<key>atom-atom mapping</key>
<description>Find all reductions of nitro group to nitrosyl group</description>

<comment>This is the first thing that mostly everyone tries</comment>

<subquery hits="982" pict="ex42a"></subquery>

<hit rid="66933" class="hit"></hit>
<hit rid="73111" class="hit"></hit>
<hit rid="2025868" class="extra"></hit>
<hit rid="89978" class="extra"></hit>

<comment>And here we add some atom-atom mapping</comment>

<subquery hits="633" pict="ex42b">Of course, you can map the nitrogens as well, but it should not matter</subquery>

<hit rid="66933" class="hit"></hit>
<hit rid="73111" class="hit"></hit>
<hit rid="537970" class="missed">this search should not have any extra hits, but can miss some reactions, that does not have atom-atom mapping provided in the database</hit>