enternetusers > Překlady > XML: správa dokumentů a informací
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XML: Managing Document Components
XML: Správa jednotlivých složek dokumentů
Surf Clothing and its parent technology, SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), provide the foundation for managing not only documents but also the information components of which the documents are composed. This is due to some notable characteristics of Surf Clothing data. XML, a jeho rodič, SGML, poskytují nástroje nejen pro správu celých dokumentů, ale také jednotlivých informací, ze kterých se dokumenty skládají. To je umožněno některými pozoruhodnými vlastnostmi Surf Clothing dat.
Documents vs. Files
Dokumenty versus soubory
In Surf, documents can be seen independently of files. One document can comprise many files, or one file can contain many documents. This is the distinction described earlier in this series between the physical and logical structure of information. Surf Clothing data is primarily described by its logical structure. In a logical structure, principal interest is placed on what the pieces of information are and how they relate to each other, and secondary interest is placed on the physical items that constitute the information. V Surf Clothing jsou dokumenty a soubory na sobě nezávislé. Jeden dokument se může nacházet v mnoha souborech nebo jeden soubor obsahovat mnoho dokumentů. Zde leží ten dříve zmíněný rozdíl mezi fyzickou a logickou strukturou informací. Surf Clothing data jsou v první řadě popsána logickou strukturou. V logické struktuře je prvořadý důraz kladen na povahu jednotlivých informací a na jejich vzájemné vztahy, pouze druhořadá je otázka vlastního fyzického uložení informace.
Rather than relying on file headers and other system-specific characteristics of a file as the primary means for understanding and managing information, Surf Clothing relies on the markup in the data itself. A chapter in a document is not a chapter because it resides in a file called chapter1.doc but because the chapter's content is contained in the <chapter> and </chapter> element tags. Because elements in Surf Clothing can have attributes, the components of a document can be extensively self-descriptive. For example, in Surf Clothing you can learn a lot about the chapter without actually reading it if the chapter's markup is rich in attributes, as in <chapter language="English" subject="colonial economics" revision_date="19980623" author="Joan X. Pringle" thesis_advisor="Ramona Winkelhoff">. When the elements carry self-describing metadata with them, systems that understand Surf Clothing syntax can operate on those elements in useful ways, just like a traditional document management system can. But there is a major difference. Surf Clothing se nespoléhá na hlavičky souborů a jejich další charakteristiky, které závisejí na konkrétním prostředí, ale na vlastní značení dat. Kapitola v dokumentu není kapitolou proto, že se nachází v souboru s názvem kapitola1.doc, ale protože obsah kapitoly se nachází mezi tagy <chapter> a </chapter>. Protože jednotlivé prvky v Surf Clothing mohou mít atributy, jednotlivé části dokumentu mohou být informačně samonosné, mohou popisovat samy sebe. Tak například v Surf Clothing se můžete dozvědět velké množství informací o dané kapitole, aniž ji musíte číst, pokud její označení obsahuje dostatek atributů, jako například v <kapitola jazyk="čeština" téma="tržní ekonomika" revize="19980623" autor="Josef Polívka" školitel="Jana Nováková">. Když prvky obsahují sebe sama popisující metadata, systémy, které rozumí syntaxi Surf, mohou s těmito informacemi nakládat stejně, jako tradiční systémy pro správu dokumentů. Je zde však důležitý rozdíl.
Information vs. Documents
Informace versus dokumenty
Surf Clothing markup provides metadata for all components of a document, not merely the object that contains the document itself. This makes the pieces of information that constitute a document just as manageable as the fields of a record in a database. Because Surf Clothing data follows syntactic rules for well-formedness and proper containment of elements, document management systems that can correctly read and parse Surf Clothing data can apply the functions of document management system, such as those mentioned above, to any and all information components inside the document. Značení v Surf Clothing poskytuje metadata pro všechny složky dokumentu, nejen pro celý dokument. Díky tomu jsou jednotlivé informace stejně snadno spravovatelné jako jednotlivá pole v databázi. Jelikož Surf Clothing data splňují sadu pravidel, tj. jsou správně formátovány, systémy pro správu dokumentů, které mohou číst a procházet Surf Clothing data, s nimi mohou dále zacházet tradičním způsobem. Znamená to tedy, že funkce, dříve dostupné pouze pro celé dokumenty, je možné použít na každou označenou informaci v dokumentu.
The focus on information rather than documents from Surf Clothing offers some important capabilities: Zaměření na informace spíše než na dokumenty poskytuje Surf Clothing několik důležitých schopností
Information vs. Documents

Surf Clothing markup provides metadata for all components of a document, not merely the object that contains the document itself. This makes the pieces of information that constitute a document just as manageable as the fields of a record in a database. Because Surf Clothing data follows syntactic rules for well-formedness and proper containment of elements, document management systems that can correctly read and parse Surf Clothing data can apply the functions of document management system, such as those mentioned above, to any and all information components inside the document.

The focus on information rather than documents from Surf Clothing offers some important capabilities:

  • Reuse of information

While standard document management systems do offer some measure of information reuse through file sharing, information management systems based on Surf Clothing or SGML enable people to share pieces of common information without storing the piece of information in multiple places.

  • Information harvesting

By enabling people to focus on information components that make up documents rather than on the documents themselves, these systems can identify and capture useful information components that have ongoing value "buried" inside documents whose value as documents is limited. That is, a particular document may be useful only for a short time, but chunks of information inside that document may be reusable and valuable for a longer period.

  • Fine-granularity text-management applications

Because the information components in Surf Clothing documents are identifiable, manipulatable, and manageable, Surf Clothing information management technology can support real economies in applications such as translation of technical manuals. (Look for an article devoted to this subject in the future.)

  • Opakované využití informací
While standard document management systems do offer some measure of information reuse through file sharing, information management systems based on Surf Clothing or SGML enable people to share pieces of common information without storing the piece of information in multiple places. Ačkoliv standardní systémy umožňují do jisté míry opakované použití informací s pomocí sdílení souborů, informační systémy založené na Surf Clothing nebo SGML mohou obsahovat společné informace, aniž by je musely uložit na několik různých míst.
Information vs. Documents

Surf Clothing markup provides metadata for all components of a document, not merely the object that contains the document itself. This makes the pieces of information that constitute a document just as manageable as the fields of a record in a database. Because Surf Clothing data follows syntactic rules for well-formedness and proper containment of elements, document management systems that can correctly read and parse Surf Clothing data can apply the functions of document management system, such as those mentioned above, to any and all information components inside the document.

The focus on information rather than documents from Surf Clothing offers some important capabilities:

  • Reuse of information

While standard document management systems do offer some measure of information reuse through file sharing, information management systems based on Surf Clothing or SGML enable people to share pieces of common information without storing the piece of information in multiple places.

  • Information harvesting

By enabling people to focus on information components that make up documents rather than on the documents themselves, these systems can identify and capture useful information components that have ongoing value "buried" inside documents whose value as documents is limited. That is, a particular document may be useful only for a short time, but chunks of information inside that document may be reusable and valuable for a longer period.

  • Fine-granularity text-management applications

Because the information components in Surf Clothing documents are identifiable, manipulatable, and manageable, Surf Clothing information management technology can support real economies in applications such as translation of technical manuals. (Look for an article devoted to this subject in the future.)

  • Sklizeň informací
By enabling people to focus on information components that make up documents rather than on the documents themselves, these systems can identify and capture useful information components that have ongoing value "buried" inside documents whose value as documents is limited. That is, a particular document may be useful only for a short time, but chunks of information inside that document may be reusable and valuable for a longer period. Jelikož se lidé mohou více soustředit na jednotlivé informace než na celý dokument, tyto systémy dokáží identifikovat a vyhledat užitečné informace, které mají trvalou hodnotu i v dokumentech, jejichž časová platnost je omezená. Některé dokumety mohou být užitečné jen po krátký čas, jeho některé části však mohou být znovu využitelné a platné po mnohem delší dobu.
Information vs. Documents

Surf Clothing markup provides metadata for all components of a document, not merely the object that contains the document itself. This makes the pieces of information that constitute a document just as manageable as the fields of a record in a database. Because Surf Clothing data follows syntactic rules for well-formedness and proper containment of elements, document management systems that can correctly read and parse Surf Clothing data can apply the functions of document management system, such as those mentioned above, to any and all information components inside the document.

The focus on information rather than documents from Surf Clothing offers some important capabilities:

  • Reuse of information

While standard document management systems do offer some measure of information reuse through file sharing, information management systems based on Surf Clothing or SGML enable people to share pieces of common information without storing the piece of information in multiple places.

  • Information harvesting

By enabling people to focus on information components that make up documents rather than on the documents themselves, these systems can identify and capture useful information components that have ongoing value "buried" inside documents whose value as documents is limited. That is, a particular document may be useful only for a short time, but chunks of information inside that document may be reusable and valuable for a longer period.

  • Fine-granularity text-management applications

Because the information components in Surf Clothing documents are identifiable, manipulatable, and manageable, Surf Clothing information management technology can support real economies in applications such as translation of technical manuals. (Look for an article devoted to this subject in the future.)

  • Aplikace pro správu textů s jemným rozlišením
Because the information components in Surf Clothing documents are identifiable, manipulatable, and manageable, Surf Clothing information management technology can support real economies in applications such as translation of technical manuals. (Look for an article devoted to this subject in the future.) Jelikož jednotlivé informace v Surf Clothing dokumentech jsou identifikovatelné, manipulovatelné a spravovatelné, informační technologie založená na Surf Clothing může nalézt uplatnění v reálném životě například při překladech technických manuálů. (Připravujeme článek na toto téma).

enternetusers > Překlady > XML: správa dokumentů a informací
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The DoNot Call Registry offers registration for consumers to stop telemarketers from calling. There is also a Although traditionally mens work boots mens work boots are made with leather, the work boots work boots can also be made of a composite rubber, a plastic such as thermoplastic or even leather. Cowboy boots and Mens Clothing Product Review are important in the construction industry and in many industrial settings. Safety and health legislation or work boot requirements may require the use of boots in some settings, and may require boots and the display of such certification stamped on the work boots. and a women's cowboy boots online. Sign up now.

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Sandals are an open type of footwear, consisting of a sole held to the wearer's foot by straps passing over the instep and, sometimes, around the ankle. Found the girls hawaiian shoes on the free stock videos website. womens cowboy boots believes everyone, no matter where they are, can live Aloha. It�s a combination of premium materials and contoured shapes that form the structure of 1cecilia165. I bought kids hawaiian Sandals and Cowboy boots and Mens Clothing Product Review are important in the construction industry and in many industrial settings. Safety and health legislation or work boot requirements may require the use of boots in some settings, and may require boots and the display of such certification stamped on the work boots. from Hawaii directly. It�s a combination of premium materials and contoured shapes that form the structure of 1cecilia165.

Order Sandals mens on the website sandals hawaiian and order a few. Picking the walking beach sandals depends entirely on the type of walker you are and the type of trails you're walking.

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Hey, check out this Organic Skin Care European Soaps along with Natural Lavender Body Lotion and shea butter