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Text alignement can be specified with text-align property with values left, right, center, and justify.

>> Case 1 <<
HTML SourceSurfing stylesheet

<p class = "CCC">Center</p>
<p class = "RRR">Right</p>
<p class = "LLL">Left: This is an example of a long text. This is an example of a long text. This is an example of a long text </p>
<p class = "JJJ">Justify: This is an example of a long text. This is an example of a long text. This is an example of a long text </p>
body {color:black; background-color: white}

.CCC   {text-align: center}
.RRR   {text-align: right}
.LLL   {text-align: left}
.JJJ   {text-align: justify}

Browser output