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ISOAMSA Characters and Glyphs

Chapter 6: Entities, Characters and Fonts
All, by codes
Named MathML Characters, ordered by Name

NameUnicodeGlyphUnicode NameDescriptionAliases
angzarr0237CU0237CRIGHT ANGLE WITH DOWNWARDS ZIGZAG ARROWangle with down zig-zag arrow
cudarrl02938U02938RIGHT-SIDE ARC CLOCKWISE ARROWleft, curved, down arrow
cudarrr02935U02935ARROW POINTING RIGHTWARDS THEN CURVING DOWNWARDSright, curved, down arrow
cularr021B6U021B6ANTICLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW/curvearrowleft A: left curved arrowcurvearrowleft
cularrp0293DU0293DTOP ARC ANTICLOCKWISE ARROW WITH PLUScurved left arrow with plus
curarr021B7U021B7CLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW/curvearrowright A: rt curved arrowcurvearrowright
curarrm0293CU0293CTOP ARC CLOCKWISE ARROW WITH MINUScurved right arrow with minus
dArr021D3U021D3DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW/Downarrow A: down dbl arrowDownarrow, DoubleDownArrow
Darr021A1U021A1DOWNWARDS TWO HEADED ARROWdown two-headed arrow
ddarr021CAU021CADOWNWARDS PAIRED ARROWS/downdownarrows A: two down arrowsdowndownarrows
DDotrahd02911U02911RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH DOTTED STEMright arrow with dotted stem
dfisht0297FU0297FDOWN FISH TAILdown fish tail
dharl021C3U021C3DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS/downharpoonleft A: dn harpoon-leftLeftDownVector, downharpoonleft
dharr021C2U021C2DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS/downharpoonright A: down harpoon-rtRightDownVector, downharpoonright
duarr021F5U021F5DOWNWARDS ARROW LEFTWARDS OF UPWARDS ARROWdown arrow, up arrowDownArrowUpArrow
dzigrarr021DDU021DDRIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROWright long zig-zag arrowrightsquigarrow
erarr02971U02971EQUALS SIGN ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROWequal, right arrow below
harr02194U02194LEFT RIGHT ARROW/leftrightarrow A: l&r arrowleftrightarrow, LeftRightArrow
hArr021D4U021D4LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW/Leftrightarrow A: l&r dbl arrowLeftrightarrow, DoubleLeftRightArrow
harrcir02948U02948LEFT RIGHT ARROW THROUGH SMALL CIRCLEleft and right arrow with a circle
harrw021ADU021ADLEFT RIGHT WAVE ARROW/leftrightsquigarrow A: l&r arr-wavyleftrightsquigarrow
hoarr021FFU021FFLEFT RIGHT OPEN-HEADED ARROWhorizontal open arrow
imof022B7U022B7IMAGE OFimage of
lAarr021DAU021DALEFTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW/Lleftarrow A: left triple arrowLleftarrow
Larr0219EU0219ELEFTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW/twoheadleftarrow A:twoheadleftarrow
larrbfs0291FU0291FLEFTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR TO FILLED DIAMONDleft arrow-bar, filled square
larrfs0291DU0291DLEFTWARDS ARROW TO FILLED DIAMONDleft arrow, filled square
larrhk021A9U021A9LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK/hookleftarrow A: left arrow-hookedhookleftarrow
larrlp021ABU021ABLEFTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP/looparrowleft A: left arrow-loopedlooparrowleft
larrpl02939U02939LEFT-SIDE ARC ANTICLOCKWISE ARROWleft arrow, plus
larrsim02973U02973LEFTWARDS ARROW ABOVE TILDE OPERATORleft arrow, similar
larrtl021A2U021A2LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL/leftarrowtail A: left arrow-tailedleftarrowtail
latail02919U02919LEFTWARDS ARROW-TAILleft arrow-tail
lAtail0291BU0291BLEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW-TAILleft double arrow-tail
lbarr0290CU0290CLEFTWARDS DOUBLE DASH ARROWleft broken arrow
lBarr0290EU0290ELEFTWARDS TRIPLE DASH ARROWleft doubly broken arrow
ldrdhar02967U02967LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN ABOVE RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNleft harpoon-down over right harpoon-down
ldrushar0294BU0294BLEFT BARB DOWN RIGHT BARB UP HARPOONleft-down-right-up harpoon
ldsh021B2U021B2DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDSleft down angled arrow
lfisht0297CU0297CLEFT FISH TAILleft fish tail
lHar02962U02962LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNleft harpoon-up over left harpoon-down
lhard021BDU021BDLEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS/leftharpoondown A: l harpoon-downleftharpoondown, DownLeftVector
lharu021BCU021BCLEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS/leftharpoonup A: left harpoon-upLeftVector, leftharpoonup
lharul0296AU0296ALEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE LONG DASHleft harpoon-up over long dash
llarr021C7U021C7LEFTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS/leftleftarrows A: two left arrowsleftleftarrows
llhard0296BU0296BLEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN BELOW LONG DASHleft harpoon-down below long dash
loarr021FDU021FDLEFTWARDS OPEN-HEADED ARROWleft open arrow
lrarr021C6U021C6LEFTWARDS ARROW OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW/leftrightarrows A: l arr over r arrleftrightarrows, LeftArrowRightArrow
lrhar021CBU021CBLEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON/leftrightharpoons A: l harp over rReverseEquilibrium, leftrightharpoons
lrhard0296DU0296DRIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN BELOW LONG DASHright harpoon-down below long dash
lurdshar0294AU0294ALEFT BARB UP RIGHT BARB DOWN HARPOONleft-up-right-down harpoon
luruhar02966U02966LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPleft harpoon-up over right harpoon-up
map021A6U021A6RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR/mapsto A:RightTeeArrow, mapsto
Map02905U02905RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW FROM BARtwoheaded mapsto
midcir02AF0U02AF0VERTICAL LINE WITH CIRCLE BELOWmid, circle below
mumap022B8U022B8MULTIMAP/multimap A:multimap
nearhk02924U02924NORTH EAST ARROW WITH HOOKNE arrow-hooked
nearr02197U02197NORTH EAST ARROW/nearrow A: NE pointing arrowUpperRightArrow, nearrow
neArr021D7U021D7NORTH EAST DOUBLE ARROWNE pointing dbl arrow
nesear02928U02928NORTH EAST ARROW AND SOUTH EAST ARROW/toea A: NE & SE arrowstoea
nharr021AEU021AELEFT RIGHT ARROW WITH STROKE/nleftrightarrow A: not l&r arrownleftrightarrow
nhArr021CEU021CELEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE/nLeftrightarrow A: not l&r dbl arrnLeftrightarrow
nlarr0219AU0219ALEFTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE/nleftarrow A: not left arrownleftarrow
nlArr021CDU021CDLEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE/nLeftarrow A: not implied bynLeftarrow
nrarr0219BU0219BRIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE/nrightarrow A: not right arrownrightarrow
nrArr021CFU021CFRIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE/nRightarrow A: not impliesnRightarrow
nrarrc02933-00338U02933-00338NOT RIGHT ARROW-CURVEDnot right arrow-curved
nrarrw0219D-00338U0219D-00338NOT RIGHT ARROW-WAVYnot right arrow-wavy
nvHarr021CEU021CELEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKEnot, vert, left and right double arrow nLeftrightarrow
nvlArr021CDU021CDLEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKEnot, vert, left double arrownLeftarrow
nvrArr021CFU021CFRIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKEnot, vert, right double arrownRightarrow
nwarhk02923U02923NORTH WEST ARROW WITH HOOKNW arrow-hooked
nwarr02196U02196NORTH WEST ARROW/nwarrow A: NW pointing arrowUpperLeftArrow, nwarrow
nwArr021D6U021D6NORTH WEST DOUBLE ARROWNW pointing dbl arrow
olarr021BAU021BAANTICLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW/circlearrowleft A: l arr in circlecirclearrowleft
orarr021BBU021BBCLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW/circlearrowright A: r arr in circlecirclearrowright
origof022B6U022B6ORIGINAL OForiginal of
rAarr021DBU021DBRIGHTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW/Rrightarrow A: right triple arrowRrightarrow
Rarr021A0U021A0RIGHTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW/twoheadrightarrow A:twoheadrightarrow
rarrap02975U02975RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE ALMOST EQUAL TOapproximate, right arrow above
rarrbfs02920U02920RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR TO FILLED DIAMONDright arrow-bar, filled square
rarrc02933U02933WAVE ARROW POINTING DIRECTLY TO THE RIGHTright arrow-curved
rarrfs0291EU0291ERIGHTWARDS ARROW TO FILLED DIAMONDright arrow, filled square
rarrhk021AAU021AARIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK/hookrightarrow A: rt arrow-hookedhookrightarrow
rarrlp021ACU021ACRIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP/looparrowright A: rt arrow-loopedlooparrowright
rarrpl02945U02945RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH PLUS BELOWright arrow, plus
rarrsim02974U02974RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE TILDE OPERATORright arrow, similar
rarrtl021A3U021A3RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL/rightarrowtail A: rt arrow-tailedrightarrowtail
Rarrtl02916U02916RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH TAILright two-headed arrow with tail
rarrw021DDU021DDRIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW/rightsquigarrow A: rt arrow-wavyrightsquigarrow
ratail021A3U021A3RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAILright arrow-tailrightarrowtail
rAtail0291CU0291CRIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW-TAILright double arrow-tail
rbarr0290DU0290DRIGHTWARDS DOUBLE DASH ARROW/bkarow A: right broken arrowbkarow
rBarr0290FU0290FRIGHTWARDS TRIPLE DASH ARROW/dbkarow A: right doubly broken arrowdbkarow
RBarr02910U02910RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED TRIPLE DASH ARROW/drbkarow A: twoheaded right broken arrowdrbkarow
rdldhar02969U02969RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN ABOVE LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNright harpoon-down over left harpoon-down
rdsh021B3U021B3DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH TIP RIGHTWARDSright down angled arrow
rfisht0297DU0297DRIGHT FISH TAILright fish tail
rHar02964U02964RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNright harpoon-up over right harpoon-down
rhard021C1U021C1RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS/rightharpoondown A: rt harpoon-downrightharpoondown, DownRightVector
rharu021C0U021C0RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS/rightharpoonup A: rt harpoon-upRightVector, rightharpoonup
rharul0296CU0296CRIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE LONG DASHright harpoon-up over long dash
rlarr021C4U021C4RIGHTWARDS ARROW OVER LEFTWARDS ARROW/rightleftarrows A: r arr over l arrrightleftarrows, RightArrowLeftArrow
rlhar021CCU021CCRIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON/rightleftharpoons A: r harp over lrightleftharpoons, Equilibrium
roarr021FEU021FERIGHTWARDS OPEN-HEADED ARROWright open arrow
rrarr021C9U021C9RIGHTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS/rightrightarrows A: two rt arrowsrightrightarrows
ruluhar02968U02968RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPright harpoon-up over left harpoon-up
searhk02925U02925SOUTH EAST ARROW WITH HOOK/hksearow A: SE arrow-hookenhksearow
searr02198U02198SOUTH EAST ARROW/searrow A: SE pointing arrowsearrow, LowerRightArrow
seArr021D8U021D8SOUTH EAST DOUBLE ARROWSE pointing dbl arrow
seswar02929U02929SOUTH EAST ARROW AND SOUTH WEST ARROW/tosa A: SE & SW arrowstosa
simrarr02972U02972TILDE OPERATOR ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROWsimilar, right arrow below
slarr02190-0FE00U02190-0FE00SHORT LEFT ARROWshort left arrowShortLeftArrow
srarr02192-0FE00U02192-0FE00SHORT RIGHT ARROWshort right arrowShortRightArrow
swarhk02926U02926SOUTH WEST ARROW WITH HOOK/hkswarow A: SW arrow-hookedhkswarow
swarr02199U02199SOUTH WEST ARROW/swarrow A: SW pointing arrowswarrow, LowerLeftArrow
swArr021D9U021D9SOUTH WEST DOUBLE ARROWSW pointing dbl arrow
uArr021D1U021D1UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW/Uparrow A: up dbl arrowUparrow, DoubleUpArrow
Uarr0219FU0219FUPWARDS TWO HEADED ARROWup two-headed arrow
Uarrocir02949U02949UPWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW FROM SMALL CIRCLEup two-headed arrow above circle
udarr021C5U021C5UPWARDS ARROW LEFTWARDS OF DOWNWARDS ARROWup arrow, down arrowUpArrowDownArrow
ufisht0297EU0297EUP FISH TAILup fish tail
uharl021BFU021BFUPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS/upharpoonleft A: up harpoon-leftupharpoonleft, LeftUpVector
uharr021BEU021BEUPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS/upharpoonright /restriction A: up harp-rupharpoonright, RightUpVector
uuarr021C8U021C8UPWARDS PAIRED ARROWS/upuparrows A: two up arrowsupuparrows
varr02195U02195UP DOWN ARROW/updownarrow A: up&down arrowupdownarrow, UpDownArrow
vArr021D5U021D5UP DOWN DOUBLE ARROW/Updownarrow A: up&down dbl arrowUpdownarrow, DoubleUpDownArrow
xharr02194xU02194xLONG LEFT AND RIGHT ARR/longleftrightarrow A: long l&r arrlongleftrightarrow, LongLeftRightArrow
xhArr021D4xU021D4xLONG LEFT AND RIGHT DOUBLE ARR/Longleftrightarrow A: long l&r dbl arrLongleftrightarrow, DoubleLongLeftRightArrow
xlarr02190xU02190xLONG LEFT ARROW/longleftarrow A: long left arrowlongleftarrow, LongLeftArrow
xlArr021D0xU021D0xLONG LEFT DOUBLE ARROW/Longleftarrow A: long l dbl arrowLongleftarrow, DoubleLongLeftArrow
xmap021A6xU021A6xLONG MAPS TO, RIGHTWARD/longmapsto A:longmapsto
xrarr02192xU02192xLONG RIGHT ARROW/longrightarrow A: long right arrowlongrightarrow, LongRightArrow
xrArr021D2xU021D2xLONG RIGHT DOUBLE ARR/Longrightarrow A: long rt dbl arrLongrightarrow, DoubleLongRightArrow
zigrarr021DDxU021DDxRIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROWright zig-zag arrow



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