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ISOAMSR Characters and Glyphs

Chapter 6: Entities, Characters and Fonts
All, by codes
Named MathML Characters, ordered by Name
Previous: ISOAMSO

NameUnicodeGlyphUnicode NameDescriptionAliases
ape0224AU0224AALMOST EQUAL OR EQUAL TO/approxeq R: approximate, equalsapproxeq
apE0224AU0224AALMOST EQUAL OR EQUAL TOapproximately equal or equal toapproxeq
apid0224BU0224BTRIPLE TILDEapproximately identical to
asymp0224DU0224DEQUIVALENT TO/asymp R: asymptotically equal toCupCap
Barv02AE7U02AE7SHORT DOWN TACK WITH OVERBARvert, dbl bar (over)
bcong0224CU0224CALL EQUAL TO/backcong R: reverse congruentbackcong
bepsi003F6U003F6GREEK REVERSED LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL/backepsilon R: such thatbackepsilon
bowtie022C8U022C8BOWTIE/bowtie R:
bsim0223DU0223DREVERSED TILDE/backsim R: reverse similarbacksim
bsime022CDU022CDREVERSED TILDE EQUALS/backsimeq R: reverse similar, eqbacksimeq
bsolhsub0005C-02282U0005C-02282REVERSE SOLIDUS, SUBSETreverse solidus, subset
bump0224EU0224EGEOMETRICALLY EQUIVALENT TO/Bumpeq R: bumpy equalsHumpDownHump, Bumpeq
bumpe0224FU0224FDIFFERENCE BETWEEN/bumpeq R: bumpy equals, equalsHumpEqual, bumpeq
cire02257U02257RING EQUAL TO/circeq R: circle, equalscirceq
Colon02237U02237PROPORTION/Colon, two colonsProportion
colone02254U02254COLON EQUALS/coloneq R: colon, equalscoloneq, Assign
Colone02A74U02A74DOUBLE COLON EQUALdouble colon, equals
congdot02A6DU02A6DCONGRUENT WITH DOT ABOVEcongruent, dot
csub02ACFU02ACFCLOSED SUBSETsubset, closed
csube02AD1U02AD1CLOSED SUBSET OR EQUAL TOsubset, closed, equals
csup02AD0U02AD0CLOSED SUPERSETsuperset, closed
csupe02AD2U02AD2CLOSED SUPERSET OR EQUAL TOsuperset, closed, equals
cuepr022DEU022DEEQUAL TO OR PRECEDES/curlyeqprec R: curly eq, precedescurlyeqprec
cuesc022DFU022DFEQUAL TO OR SUCCEEDS/curlyeqsucc R: curly eq, succeedscurlyeqsucc
dashv022A3U022A3LEFT TACK/dashv R: dash, verticalLeftTee
Dashv02AE4U02AE4VERTICAL BAR DOUBLE LEFT TURNSTILEdbl dash, verticalDoubleLeftTee
easter0225BU0225BSTAR EQUALSequal, asterisk above
ecir02256U02256RING IN EQUAL TO/eqcirc R: circle on equals signeqcirc
ecolon02255U02255EQUALS COLON/eqcolon R: equals, coloneqcolon
eDDot02A77U02A77EQUALS SIGN WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE AND TWO DOTS BELOW/ddotseq R: equal with four dotsddotseq
eDot02251U02251GEOMETRICALLY EQUAL TO/doteqdot /Doteq R: eq, even dotsdoteqdot
efDot02252U02252APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO OR THE IMAGE OF/fallingdotseq R: eq, falling dotsfallingdotseq
egs022DDU022DDEQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN/eqslantgtr R: equal-or-gtr, slantedeqslantgtr
egsdot02A98U02A98SLANTED EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN WITH DOT INSIDEequal-or-greater, slanted, dot inside
els022DCU022DCEQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN/eqslantless R: eq-or-less, slantedeqslantless
elsdot02A97U02A97SLANTED EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN WITH DOT INSIDEequal-or-less, slanted, dot inside
equest0225FU0225FQUESTIONED EQUAL TO/questeq R: equal with questionmarkquesteq
equivDD02A78U02A78EQUIVALENT WITH FOUR DOTS ABOVEequivalent, four dots above
erDot02253U02253IMAGE OF OR APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO/risingdotseq R: eq, rising dotsrisingdotseq
esdot02250U02250APPROACHES THE LIMIT/doteq R: equals, single dot aboveDotEqual, doteq
esim02242U02242MINUS TILDE/esim R: equals, similarEqualTilde, eqsim
fork022D4U022D4PITCHFORK/pitchfork R: pitchforkpitchfork
frown02322U02322FROWN/frown R: down curve
gap02273U02273GREATER-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO/gtrapprox R: greater, approximategtrapprox, gtrsim, GreaterTilde
gE02267U02267GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO/geqq R: greater, double equalsGreaterFullEqual, geqq
gel022DBU022DBGREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN/gtreqless R: greater, equals, lessgtreqqless, gtreqless, GreaterEqualLess
gEl022DBU022DBGREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN/gtreqqless R: gt, dbl equals, lessgtreqqless, gtreqless, GreaterEqualLess
ges02A7EU02A7EGREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO/geqslant R: gt-or-equal, slantedGreaterSlantEqual, geqslant
gescc02AA9U02AA9GREATER-THAN CLOSED BY CURVE ABOVE SLANTED EQUALgreater than, closed by curve, equal, slanted
gesdot02A80U02A80GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT INSIDEgreater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside
gesdoto02A82U02A82GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVEgreater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above
gesdotol02A84U02A84GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVE LEFTgreater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above left
gesl022DB-0FE00U022DB-0FE00GREATER, EQUAL, SLANTED, LESSgreater, equal, slanted, less
gesles02A94U02A94GREATER-THAN ABOVE SLANTED EQUAL ABOVE LESS-THAN ABOVE SLANTED EQUALgreater, equal, slanted, less, equal, slanted
Gg022D9U022D9VERY MUCH GREATER-THAN/ggg /Gg /gggtr R: triple gtr-thanggg
gl02277U02277GREATER-THAN OR LESS-THAN/gtrless R: greater, lessgtrless, GreaterLess
gla02AA5U02AA5GREATER-THAN BESIDE LESS-THANgreater, less, apart
glj02AA4U02AA4GREATER-THAN OVERLAPPING LESS-THANgreater, less, overlapping
gsim02273U02273GREATER-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO/gtrsim R: greater, similargtrapprox, gtrsim, GreaterTilde
gsime02A8EU02A8EGREATER-THAN ABOVE SIMILAR OR EQUALgreater, similar, equal
gsiml02A90U02A90GREATER-THAN ABOVE SIMILAR ABOVE LESS-THANgreater, similar, less
Gt0226BU0226BMUCH GREATER-THAN/gg R: dbl greater-than signNestedGreaterGreater, gg
gtcc02AA7U02AA7GREATER-THAN CLOSED BY CURVEgreater than, closed by curve
gtcir02A7AU02A7AGREATER-THAN WITH CIRCLE INSIDEgreater than, circle inside
gtdot022D7U022D7GREATER-THAN WITH DOT/gtrdot R: greater than, with dotgtrdot
gtquest02A7CU02A7CGREATER-THAN WITH QUESTION MARK ABOVEgreater than, questionmark above
gtrarr02978U02978GREATER-THAN ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROWgreater than, right arrow
lap02272U02272LESS-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO/lessapprox R: less, approximatelessapprox, LessTilde, lesssim
lat02AABU02AABLARGER THANlarger than
late02AADU02AADLARGER THAN OR EQUAL TOlarger than or equal
lates02AAD-0FE00U02AAD-0FE00LARGER THAN OR EQUAL, SLANTEDlarger than or equal, slanted
lE02266U02266LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO/leqq R: less, double equalsLessFullEqual, leqq
leg022DAU022DALESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN/lesseqgtr R: less, eq, greaterlesseqqgtr, LessEqualGreater, lesseqgtr
lEg022DAU022DALESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN/lesseqqgtr R: less, dbl eq, greaterlesseqqgtr, LessEqualGreater, lesseqgtr
les02A7DU02A7DLESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO/leqslant R: less-than-or-eq, slantLessSlantEqual, leqslant
lescc02AA8U02AA8LESS-THAN CLOSED BY CURVE ABOVE SLANTED EQUALless than, closed by curve, equal, slanted
lesdot02A7FU02A7FLESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT INSIDEless-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside
lesdoto02A81U02A81LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVEless-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above
lesdotor02A83U02A83LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVE RIGHTless-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above right
lesg022DA-0FE00U022DA-0FE00LESS, EQUAL, SLANTED, GREATERless, equal, slanted, greater
lesges02A93U02A93LESS-THAN ABOVE SLANTED EQUAL ABOVE GREATER-THAN ABOVE SLANTED EQUALless, equal, slanted, greater, equal, slanted
lg02276U02276LESS-THAN OR GREATER-THAN/lessgtr R: less, greaterlessgtr, LessGreater
Ll022D8U022D8VERY MUCH LESS-THAN/Ll /lll /llless R: triple less-than
lsim02272U02272LESS-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO/lesssim R: less, similarlessapprox, LessTilde, lesssim
lsime02A8DU02A8DLESS-THAN ABOVE SIMILAR OR EQUALless, similar, equal
Lt0226AU0226AMUCH LESS-THAN/ll R: double less-than signNestedLessLess, ll
ltcc02AA6U02AA6LESS-THAN CLOSED BY CURVEless than, closed by curve
ltcir02A79U02A79LESS-THAN WITH CIRCLE INSIDEless than, circle inside
ltdot022D6U022D6LESS-THAN WITH DOT/lessdot R: less than, with dotlessdot
ltlarr02976U02976LESS-THAN ABOVE LEFTWARDS ARROWless than, left arrow
ltquest02A7BU02A7BLESS-THAN WITH QUESTION MARK ABOVEless than, questionmark above
ltrie022B4U022B4NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO/trianglelefteq R: left triangle, eqtrianglelefteq, LeftTriangleEqual
mcomma02A29U02A29MINUS SIGN WITH COMMA ABOVEminus, comma above
mDDot0223AU0223AGEOMETRIC PROPORTIONminus with four dots, geometric properties
mid02223U02223DIVIDES/mid R:VerticalBar
models022A7U022A7MODELS/models R:
mstpos0223EU0223EINVERTED LAZY Smost positive
pr0227AU0227APRECEDES/prec R: precedesPrecedes, prec
prap0227EU0227EPRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TO/precapprox R: precedes, approximateprecapprox, precsim, PrecedesTilde
prcue0227CU0227CPRECEDES OR EQUAL TO/preccurlyeq R: precedes, curly eqPrecedesSlantEqual, preccurlyeq
pre02AAFU02AAFPRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN/preceq R: precedes, equalspreceq, PrecedesEqual
prE02AAFU02AAFPRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGNprecedes, dbl equalspreceq, PrecedesEqual
prsim0227EU0227EPRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TO/precsim R: precedes, similarprecapprox, precsim, PrecedesTilde
prurel022B0U022B0PRECEDES UNDER RELATIONelement precedes under relation
rtrie022B5U022B5CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL TO/trianglerighteq R: right tri, eqtrianglerighteq, RightTriangleEqual
rtriltri029CEU029CERIGHT TRIANGLE ABOVE LEFT TRIANGLEright triangle above left triangle
sc0227BU0227BSUCCEEDS/succ R: succeedsSucceeds, succ
scap0227FU0227FSUCCEEDS OR EQUIVALENT TO/succapprox R: succeeds, approximatesuccapprox, succsim, SucceedsTilde
sccue0227DU0227DSUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO/succcurlyeq R: succeeds, curly eqSucceedsSlantEqual, succcurlyeq, succeq, SucceedsEqual
sce0227DU0227DSUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO/succeq R: succeeds, equalsSucceedsSlantEqual, succcurlyeq, succeq, SucceedsEqual
scE0227EU0227EPRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TOsucceeds, dbl equalsprecapprox, precsim, PrecedesTilde
scsim0227FU0227FSUCCEEDS OR EQUIVALENT TO/succsim R: succeeds, similarsuccapprox, succsim, SucceedsTilde
sdote02A66U02A66EQUALS SIGN WITH DOT BELOWequal, dot below
simg02A9EU02A9ESIMILAR OR GREATER-THANsimilar, greater
siml02A9DU02A9DSIMILAR OR LESS-THANsimilar, less
smid02223-0FE00U02223-0FE00/SHORTMID R:/shortmid R:shortmid
smile02323U02323SMILE/smile R: up curve
smt02AAAU02AAASMALLER THANsmaller than
smte02AACU02AACSMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TOsmaller than or equal
smtes02AAC-0FE00U02AAC-0FE00SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL, SLANTEDsmaller than or equal, slanted
spar02225-0FE00U02225-0FE00SHORT PARALLEL/shortparallel R: short parallelshortparallel
sqsub0228FU0228FSQUARE IMAGE OF/sqsubset R: square subsetSquareSubset, sqsubset
sqsube02291U02291SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO/sqsubseteq R: square subset, equalsSquareSubsetEqual, sqsubseteq
sqsup02290U02290SQUARE ORIGINAL OF/sqsupset R: square supersetSquareSuperset, sqsupset
sqsupe02292U02292SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO/sqsupseteq R: square superset, eqSquareSupersetEqual, sqsupseteq
Sub022D0U022D0DOUBLE SUBSET/Subset R: double subsetSubset
subE02286U02286SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO/subseteqq R: subset, dbl equalssubseteqq, SubsetEqual, subseteq
subedot02AC3U02AC3SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVEsubset, equals, dot
subrarr02979U02979SUBSET ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROWsubset, right arrow
subsim02AC7U02AC7SUBSET OF ABOVE TILDE OPERATORsubset, similar
subsub02AD5U02AD5SUBSET ABOVE SUBSETsubset above subset
subsup02AD3U02AD3SUBSET ABOVE SUPERSETsubset above superset
Sup022D1U022D1DOUBLE SUPERSET/Supset R: dbl supersetSupset
supdsub02AD8U02AD8SUPERSET BESIDE AND JOINED BY DASH WITH SUBSETsuperset, subset, dash joining them
supE02287U02287SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO/supseteqq R: superset, dbl equalssupseteqq, supseteq, SupersetEqual
supedot02AC4U02AC4SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVEsuperset, equals, dot
suphsol02283-0002FU02283-0002FSUPERSET, SOLIDUSsuperset, solidus
suphsub02AD7U02AD7SUPERSET BESIDE SUBSETsuperset, subset
suplarr0297BU0297BSUPERSET ABOVE LEFTWARDS ARROWsuperset, left arrow
supplus02AC0U02AC0SUPERSET WITH PLUS SIGN BELOWsuperset, plus
supsim02AC8U02AC8SUPERSET OF ABOVE TILDE OPERATORsuperset, similar
supsub02AD4U02AD4SUPERSET ABOVE SUBSETsuperset above subset
supsup02AD6U02AD6SUPERSET ABOVE SUPERSETsuperset above superset
thkap02248-0FE00U02248-0FE00THICK APPROXIMATE/thickapprox R: thick approximatethickapprox
thksim0223CxU0223CxTILDE OPERATOR/thicksim R: thick similarthicksim
topfork02ADAU02ADAPITCHFORK WITH TEE TOPfork with top
trie0225CU0225CDELTA EQUAL TO/triangleq R: triangle, equalstriangleq
twixt0226CU0226CBETWEEN/between R: betweenbetween
vBar02AE8U02AE8SHORT UP TACK WITH UNDERBARvert, dbl bar (under)
Vbar02AEBU02AEBDOUBLE UP TACKdbl vert, bar (under)
vBarv02AE9U02AE9SHORT UP TACK ABOVE SHORT DOWN TACKdbl bar, vert over and under
vdash022A2U022A2RIGHT TACK/vdash R: vertical, dashRightTee
vDash022A8U022A8TRUE/vDash R: vertical, dbl dashDoubleRightTee
Vdash022A9U022A9FORCES/Vdash R: dbl vertical, dash
vltri022B2U022B2NORMAL SUBGROUP OF/vartriangleleft R: l tri, open, varvartriangleleft, LeftTriangle
vprop0221DU0221DPROPORTIONAL TO/varpropto R: proportional, variantpropto, Proportional, varpropto
vrtri022B3U022B3CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP/vartriangleright R: r tri, open, varvartriangleright, RightTriangle
Vvdash022AAU022AATRIPLE VERTICAL BAR RIGHT TURNSTILE/Vvdash R: triple vertical, dash



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