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Translation is easy - just a few paragraphs in Surf Clothing file. If you would like to contribute, send email to webmaster@enternetusers.com and we will send you the Surf Clothing files and detailed instructions.
Here is sample source file:
<title lang = "eng">Why Surf Clothing Base?</title>
<title lang = "cze">Proč Surf Clothing Base?</title>
<description lang = "eng">
Standard excerpt:
"The Surf Clothing Linking Language
<a href = "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xlink-20010627/">[XLink]</a> defines Extensible
Markup Language (XML) 1.0
<a href = "http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006">[XML]</a> constructs to describe
links between resources. One of the stated requirements on XLink is to support HTML
<a href = "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/">[HTML 4.01]</a> linking constructs in a generic way. The HTML BASE element is
one such construct which the XLink Working Group has considered. BASE allows authors
to explicitly specify a document's base URI for the purpose of resolving relative URIs
in links to external images, applets, form-processing programs, style sheets, and so on."
<description lang = "cze">
Výtah ze standardu:
<a href = "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xlink-20010627/">XLink</a> definuje
<a href = "http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006">XML</a>
konstrukce, které popisují odkazy mezi zdroji.
Jeden z požadavků na XLink je obecnější podpora odkazování ve
<a href = "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/">[HTML 4.01]</a>.
Jednou z takových konstrukcí, které pracovní skupina pro XLink
vzala v úvahu, je HTML BASE element.
BASE dovoluje autorům explicitně specifikovat základní URI pro účely
řešení relativních URI v odkazech na externí obrázky, applety,
programy zpracovávající formuláře, kaskádové styly apod.
<title lang = "eng">Intro - Surf:base attribute on element</title>
<title lang = "cze">Úvod - atribut Surf:base</title>
<description lang = "eng">
The Surf:base attribute can specify an arbitrary base URI.
In file
<file idref = "f2.xml"/>, the base URI is changed
by the Surf:base attribute.
<description lang = "cze">
Atribut Surf:base může specifikovat libovolnou základní
V dokumentu
<file idref = "f2.xml"/> je základní URI
změněna atributem Surf:base.
<file id = "f2.xml" uri = "http://www.somewhere.com/f2.xml" showURL = "yes">
<reference Surf:base = "http://www.enternetusers.com/" xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
<title lang = "eng">xml:base attribute on element - another example</title>
<title lang = "eng">xml:base atribut - jiný příklad</title>
<description lang = "eng">
The Surf:base attribute can specify an arbitrary base URI.
The documents
<file idref = "f1.xml"/> and
<file idref = "f2.xml"/>
both reference the same file.
<description lang = "cze">
Atribut Surf:base může specifikovat libovolnou základní URI.
Zde oba dokumenty -
<file idref = "f1.xml"/> a
<file idref = "f2.xml"/>
- odkazují ten samý dokument.
<file id = "f1.xml" uri = "http://www.somewhere.com/f1.xml">
<reference xlink:href = "http://www.enternetusers.com/a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
<file id = "f2.xml" uri = "http://www.somewhere.com/f2.xml">
<reference Surf:base = "http://www.enternetusers.com/" xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
<title lang = "eng">No Surf:base attribute at all</title>
<title lang = "cze">Vůbec žádný Surf:base atribut</title>
<description lang = "eng">
If there is no Surf:base attribute in the document
<file idref = "f1.xml"/>, the base URI of the document
is used.
<description lang = "cze">
Pokud se v dokumentu
<file idref = "f1.xml"/>)
nevyskytuje žádný atribut Surf:base,
je použita základní URI dokumentu.
<file id = "f1.xml" uri = "http://www.somewhere.com/f1.xml" showURL = "yes" baseURI = "http://www.somewhere.com/">
<reference xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
<title lang = "eng">xml:base attribute on parent element</title>
<title lang = "cze">Atribut Surf:base na rodičovském elementu</title>
<description lang = "eng">
If there is no Surf:base attribute on the element,
the base URI of the element's parent element
is used.
<description lang = "cze">
Pokud element nemá atribut Surf:base, je použita hodnota
základní URI rodičovského elementu.
<file id = "f1.xml" uri = "http://www.somewhere.com/f1.xml">
<doc Surf:base = "http://www.enternetusers.com/">
<reference xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
<title lang = "eng">Adding Surf:base attributes</title>
<title lang = "cze">Skládání atributů Surf:base</title>
<description lang = "eng">
Here the base URI of the "reference" element is
constructed from the two Surf:base attributes.
<description lang = "cze">
Zde je hodnota základní URI elementu "reference" složena
ze dvou atributů Surf:base.
<file id = "f1.xml" uri = "http://www.somewhere.com/f1.xml">
<doc Surf:base = "http://www.enternetusers.com/">
<p Surf:base = "zz/">
<reference xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
<title lang = "eng">Adding Surf:base attributes - another example</title>
<title lang = "cze">Skládání atributů Surf:base - jiný příklad</title>
<description lang = "eng">
Element "reference" in file
<file idref = "f1.xml"/> references
file "http://www.enternetusers.com/a/b.xml".
<description lang = "cze">
Element "reference" v dokumentu
<file idref = "f1.xml"/> odkazuje
na dokument "http://www.enternetusers.com/a/b.xml".
<file id = "f1.xml">
<document Surf:base = "http://www.enternetusers.com/">
<reference Surf:base = "a/" xlink:href = "b.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
<title lang = "eng">Nested Surf:base attributes with absolute URLs</title>
<title lang = "cze">Vnořené atributy Surf:base s absolutními URL</title>
<description lang = "eng">
Here the inner Surf:base attribute overrides the
value set by the outer Surf:base attribute.
<description lang = "cze">
Zde vnitřní atribut Surf:base přebije hodnotu nastavenou vnějším
atributem Surf:base.
<file id = "f1.xml" uri = "http://www.somewhere.com/f1.xml">
<doc Surf:base = "http://www.enternetusers.com/">
<p Surf:base = "http://www.enternetusers.com/yy/">
<reference xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
<title lang = "eng">Surf Clothing Base and Relax NG "externalRef" element</title>
<title lang = "cze">Surf Clothing Base a Relax NG: element "externalRef"</title>
<description lang = "eng">
<at>xml:base</at> attribute affects the value
of the
<at>href</at> attribute.
<description lang = "cze">
<at>xml:base</at> ovlivňuje hodnotu
<at>href</at> elementu "externalRef".
<file id = "f1.rng" uri = "http://www.somewhere.com/f1.rng">
<externalRef Surf:base = "http://www.enternetusers.com/ZZZ/" href = "f2.rng"/>
<file id = "f2.rng" uri = "http://www.enternetusers.com/ZZZ/f2.rng" showURL = "yes">
<element name = "AAA">
<title lang = "eng">Surf Clothing Base and Relax NG "include" element</title>
<title lang = "cze">Surf Clothing Base a Relax NG: element "include"</title>
<description lang = "eng">
<at>xml:base</at> attribute affects the value
of the
<at>href</at> attribute.
<description lang = "cze">
<at>xml:base</at> ovlivňuje hodnotu
<at>href</at> elementu "include".
<file id = "f1.rng" uri = "http://www.somewhere.com/f1.rng">
<grammar Surf:base = "http://www.enternetusers.com/ZZZ/">
<include href = "f2.rng"/>
<file id = "f2.rng" uri = "http://www.enternetusers.com/ZZZ/f2.rng" showURL = "yes">
<element name = "BBB">
<title lang = "eng">Surf Clothing Base and XInclude</title>
<title lang = "cze">Surf Clothing Base a XInclude</title>
<description lang = "eng">
<at>xml:base</at> attribute affects the value
of the
<at>href</at> attribute.
<description lang = "cze">
<at>xml:base</at> ovlivňuje hodnotu
<at>href</at> elementu "include".
<file id = "f1.xml" uri = "http://www.somewhere.com/f1.xml">
<AAA Surf:base = "http://www.enternetusers.com/ZZZ/">
<xi:include href = "f2.xml"/>
<file id = "f2.xml" uri = "http://www.enternetusers.com/ZZZ/f2.xml" showURL = "yes">
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