Appendix P: Index
- @color-profile, 1
- 'name' descriptor, 1
- 'rendering-intent' descriptor, 1
- 'src' descriptor, 1
- @font-face, 1
- 'a' element, 1
- absolute position adjustments, 1
- Accessibility Support, 1
- SVG content accessibility guidelines, 1
- activate event, 1
- alignment point, 1
- 'alignment-baseline' property, 1
- Alternate glyphs, 1
- 'altGlyph' element, 1
- 'altGlyphDef' element, 1
- 'altGlyphItem' element, 1
- 'animate' element, 1
- 'animateColor' element, 1
- 'animateMotion' element, 1
- 'keyPoints' attribute, 1
- 'mpath' subelement, 1
- 'origin' attribute, 1
- 'path' attribute, 1
- 'rotate' attribute, 1
- 'animateTransform' element, 1
- 'type' attribute, 1
- Animation, 1
- 'accumulate' attribute, 1
- 'additive' attribute, 1
- 'Animatable' designation on attributes and
properties, 1
- animation using the SVG DOM, 1
- 'attributeName' attribute, 1
- 'attributeType' attribute, 1
- 'begin' attribute, 1
- 'by' attribute, 1
- 'calcMode' attribute, 1
- controlling whether animations are
additive, 1
- defining values over time, 1
- 'dur' attribute, 1
- elements, 1
- elements, attributes and properties that can be
animated, 1
- 'end' attribute, 1
- example of animation elements, 1
- 'fill' attribute, 1
- 'from' attribute, 1
- identifying the target attribute or
property, 1
- identifying the target element, 1
- inheritance, 1
- introduction, 1
- 'keySplines' attribute, 1
- 'keyTimes' attribute, 1
- 'max' attribute, 1
- 'min' attribute, 1
- relationship to SMILAnimation, 1
- 'repeatCount' attribute, 1
- 'repeatDur' attribute, 1
- 'restart' attribute, 1
- SVG extensions to SMILAnimation, 1
- timing attributes, 1
- 'to' attribute, 1
- 'values' attribute, 1
- 'xlink:href' attribute, 1
- arc implementation notes, 1
- Attribute Index, 1
- aural style sheets, 1
- background image, 1
- Backwards Compatibility, 1
- baseline alignment properties, 1
- baselines, 1
- 'baseline-shift' property, 1
- basic data types, 1
- angle, 1
- color, 1
- coordinate, 1
- frequency, 1
- integer, 1
- length, 1
- list, 1
- number, 1
- number-optional-number, 1
- paint, 1
- percentage, 1
- time, 1
- transform-list, 1
- URI, 1
- Basic Data Types and Interfaces, 1
- basic shape, 1
- Basic Shapes, 1
- beginEvent event, 1
- bidirectionality, 1
- block progression direction, 1
- bounding box, 1
- canvas, 1 2
- case sensitivity of property names and
values, 1
- characters, 1
- characters and glyphs, 1
- 'circle' element, 1
- 'class' attribute, 1
- click event, 1
- 'clip' property, 1
- 'clipPath' element, 1
- 'clip-path' property, 1
- Clipping, Masking and Compositing, 1
- clipping path, 1
- clipping paths, 1
- clip to viewport vs clip to viewBox, 1
- establishing a new clipping path,
- initial clipping path, 1
- 'clip-rule' property, 1
- Color, 1
- 'color' property, 1
- color interpolation properties, 1
- color keywords, 1
- color profile descriptions, 1
- @color-profile, 1
- 'color-profile' element,
- color range clamping, 1
- 'color-interpolation' property, 1
- conversion formulas, 1
- 'color-interpolation-filters' property, 1
- 'color-profile' element, 1
- 'local' attribute, 1
- 'name' attribute, 1
- 'rendering-intent' attribute,
- 'xlink:href' attribute, 1
- 'color-profile' property, 1
- 'color-rendering' property, 1
- compatibility with other standards efforts,
- compositing
- 'color-interpolation' property, 1
- 'color-interpolation-filters' property,
- 'color-rendering' property, 1
- 'feComposite' element, 1
- into parent, 1
- simple alpha compositing, 1
- Concepts, 1
- explaining the name SVG, 1
- important SVG concepts, 1
- options for using SVG in Web pages, 1
- conditional processing, 1
- 'requiredExtensions' attribute,
- 'requiredFeatures' attribute,
- 'switch' element, 1
- 'systemLanguage' attribute,
- test attributes, 1
- conformance
- Conforming High-Quality SVG Viewers, 1
- Conforming SVG Documents, 1
- Conforming SVG Generators, 1
- Conforming SVG Included Documents, 1
- Conforming SVG Interpreters, 1
- Conforming SVG Stand-Alone Files, 1
- Conforming SVG Viewers, 1
- Conformance Criteria, 1
- container element, 1
- 'contentScriptType' attribute, 1
- 'contentStyleType' attribute, 1
- conversion formulas sRGB to linearRGB, 1
- coordinate systems
- establishing a new user coordinate system, 1
- initial, 1
- Coordinate Systems, Transformations and
Units, 1
- SVG use of CSS, 1
- CTM, 1
- current innermost SVG document fragment, 1
- current SVG document fragment, 1
- current text position, 1
- current transformation matrix, 1
- 'cursor' element, 1
- 'cursor' property, 1
- cursors, 1
- default style sheet language, 1
- 'definition-src' element, 1
- 'defs' element, 1
- 'desc' element, 1
- descriptions and titles, 1
- 'direction' property, 1
- 'display' property, 1
- distance along a path, 1
- Document Structure, 1
- DOM Interfaces
- ElementTimeControl, 1
- SVGAElement, 1
- SVGAnimatedPoints, 1
- SVGCircleElement, 1
- SVGColorProfileElement, 1
- SVGColorProfileRule, 1
- SVGCursorElement, 1
- SVGDefinitionSrcElement, 1
- SVGEllipseElement, 1
- SVGException, 1
- SVGFontElement, 1
- SVGFontFaceElement, 1
- SVGFontFaceFormatElement, 1
- SVGFontFaceNameElement, 1
- SVGFontFaceSrcElement, 1
- SVGFontFaceUriElement, 1
- SVGForeignObjectElement, 1
- SVGGlyphElement, 1
- SVGHKernElement, 1
- SVGLineElement, 1
- SVGMetadataElement, 1
- SVGMissingGlyphElement, 1
- SVGPolygonElement, 1
- SVGPolylineElement, 1
- SVGRectElement, 1
- SVGStyleElement, 1
- SVGViewElement, 1
- SVGVKernElement, 1
- TimeEvent, 1
- DOMAttrModified event, 1
- DOMCharacterDataModified event, 1
- DOMFocusIn event, 1
- DOMFocusOut event, 1
- 'dominant-baseline' property, 1
- DOMNodeInserted event, 1
- DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument event, 1
- DOMNodeRemoved event, 1
- DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument event, 1
- DOMSubtreeModified event, 1
- DTD, 1
- ECMAScript Language Binding, 1
- Element Index, 1
- 'ellipse' element, 1
- embedding foreign objects, 1
- 'enable-background' property, 1
- endEvent event, 1
- error processing, 1
- establishing a new clipping path, 1
- event attributes, 1
- event handling, 1
- events, 1
- activate, 1
- beginEvent, 1
- click, 1
- DOMAttrModified, 1
- DOMCharacterDataModified, 1
- DOMFocusIn, 1
- DOMFocusOut, 1
- DOMNodeInserted, 1
- DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument, 1
- DOMNodeRemoved, 1
- DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument, 1
- DOMSubtreeModified, 1
- endEvent, 1
- list of supported events, 1
- mousedown, 1
- mousemove, 1
- mouseout, 1
- mouseover, 1
- mouseup, 1
- pointer events, 1
- 'pointer-events' property, 1
- repeatEvent, 1
- SVGAbort, 1
- SVGError, 1
- SVGLoad, 1
- SVGResize, 1
- SVGScroll, 1
- SVGUnload, 1
- SVGZoom, 1
- user interface (UI) events, 1
- user interface (UI) events processing
order, 1
- Extensibility, 1
- embedding foreign objects, 1
- example, 1
- foreign namespaces, 1
- private data, 1
- external style sheets, 1
- 'externalResourcesRequired' attribute, 1
- feature strings, 1
- 'feBlend' element, 1
- 'feColorMatrix' element, 1
- 'feComponentTransfer' element, 1
- 'feComposite' element, 1
- 'feConvolveMatrix' element, 1
- feDiffuseLighting
- surface normal calculations, 1
- 'feDiffuseLighting' element, 1
- 'feDisplacementMap' element, 1
- 'feDistantLight' element, 1
- 'feFlood' element, 1
- 'feFuncA' element, 1
- 'feFuncB' element, 1
- 'feFuncG' element, 1
- 'feFuncR' element, 1
- 'feGaussianBlur' element, 1
- 'feImage' element, 1
- 'feMerge' element, 1
- 'feMergeNode' element, 1
- 'feMorphology' element, 1
- 'feOffset' element, 1
- 'fePointLight' element, 1
- 'feSpecularLighting' element, 1
- 'feSpotLight' element, 1
- 'feTile' element, 1
- 'feTurbulence' element, 1
- file name extension, 1
- fill, 1
- 'fill' property, 1
- fill properties, 1
- 'fill-opacity' property, 1
- 'fill-rule' property, 1
- 'filter' element, 1
- 'filterUnits' attribute, 1
- 'height' attribute, 1
- 'width' attribute, 1
- 'x' attribute, 1
- 'y' attribute, 1
- 'filter' property, 1
- Filter Effects, 1
- filter effects background image, 1
- filter effects region, 1
- filter primitive subregion, 1
- filter primitives, 1
- filter primitives common attributes, 1
- 'height' attribute, 1
- 'in' attribute, 1
- 'result' attribute, 1
- 'width' attribute, 1
- 'x' attribute, 1
- 'y' attribute, 1
- filter primitives light source elements and
properties, 1
- FilteringPaintRegions, 1
- 'flood-color' property, 1
- 'flood-opacity' property, 1
- font, 1
- 'font' element, 1
- 'font' property, 1
- font descriptions, 1
- @font-face, 1
- 'font-face'-element, 1
- font selection properties, 1
- font tables, 1
- 'font-face'-element, 1
- 'font-face-name' element, 1
- 'font-face-src' element, 1
- 'font-family' property, 1
- Fonts, 1 2
- baselines, 1
- glyph selection rules, 1
- specifying kerning, 1
- SVG Fonts, 1
- 'font-size' property, 1
- 'font-size-adjust' property, 1
- 'font-stretch' property, 1
- 'font-style' property, 1
- 'font-variant' property, 1
- 'font-weight' property, 1
- foreign namespaces, 1
- 'foreignObject' element, 1
- fragment identifiers
- linking into SVG content, 1
- 'g' element, 1
- glyph, 1
- 'glyph' element, 1
- glyph orientation, 1
- 'glyph-orientation-horizontal' property, 1
- 'glyph-orientation-vertical' property, 1
- 'glyphRef' element, 1
- glyphs, 1
- Gradients, 1
- gradient stop opacity, 1
- gradient stops, 1
- linear, 1
- radial, 1
- Gradients and Patterns, 1
- graphics element, 1
- graphics referencing element, 1
- Groups, 1
- 'hkern' element, 1
- 'id' attribute, 1
- IDL Definitions, 1
- 'image' element, 1
- 'image-rendering' property, 1
- Implementation Requirements, 1
- arcs, 1
- color range clamping,
- error processing,
- paths, 1
- printing, 1
- range clamping general, 1
- text selection, 1
- version control,
- inheritance
- styling properties, 1
- inheritance of painting properties, 1
- initial clipping path, 1
- initial user coordinate system, 1
- inline progression direction, 1
- Interactivity, 1
- Internationalization Support, 1
- character normalization, 1
- multi-language SVG documents, 1
- Introduction, 1
- Java Language Binding, 1
- 'kerning' property, 1
- 'letter-spacing' property, 1
- light source elements and properties, 1
- 'lighting-color' property, 1
- 'line' element, 1
- 'linearGradient' element, 1
- Linking, 1
- linking into SVG content, 1
- linking out of SVG content, 1
- SVG fragment identifiers, 1
- 'svgView' specification, 1
- local URI reference, 1
- Macintosh file type, 1
- 'marker' element, 1
- 'marker' property, 1
- 'marker-end' property, 1
- 'marker-mid' property, 1
- Markers, 1
- how markers are rendered, 1
- 'marker-start' property, 1
- mask, 1
- 'mask' element, 1
- 'mask' property, 1
- Masking, 1
- Metadata, 1
- 'metadata' element, 1
- MIME Type, 1
- Minimizing SVG File Sizes, 1
- 'missing-glyph' element, 1
- mousedown event, 1
- mousemove event, 1
- mouseout event, 1
- mouseover event, 1
- mouseup event, 1
- 'mpath' element, 1
- non-local URI reference, 1
- object and group opacity properties, 1
- object bounding box, 1
- object bounding box units, 1
- objectBoundingBox keyword, 1
- text objects, 1
- opacity
- 'fill-opacity' property, 1
- 'flood-opacity' property, 1
- gradient stop opacity, 1
- object and group opacity properties, 1
- 'stroke-opacity' property, 1
- 'opacity' property, 1
- 'overflow' property, 1
- paint, 1
- Painting
- fill properties, 1
- inheritance of painting properties, 1
- specifying paint, 1
- stroke properties, 1
- Painting: Filling, Stroking and Marker
Symbols, 1
- 'path' element, 1
- 'd' attribute, 1
- implementation notes, 1
- 'pathLength' attribute, 1
- path data specification, 1
- 'closepath' command, 1
- cubic curveto commands, 1
- curve commands, 1
- elliptical arc commands, 1
- grammar, 1
- 'lineto' commands, 1
- 'moveto' commands, 1
- quadratic curveto commands, 1
- Paths, 1
- distance along a path, 1
- specifying the expected path length, 1
- 'pattern' element, 1
- Patterns, 1
- pointer events, 1
- 'pointer-events' property, 1
- 'polygon' element, 1
- 'polyline' element, 1
- polyline and polygon points grammar, 1
- presentation attribute, 1
- presentation attributes, 1
- entity definitions, 1
- 'preserveAspectRatio' attribute, 1
- printing implementation notes, 1
- private data, 1
- property, 1
- Property Index, 1
- property inheritance, 1
- 'radialGradient' element, 1
- range clamping general, 1
- 'rect' element, 1
- reference orientation, 1
- References, 1
- relative position adjustments, 1
- Rendering Model, 1
- clipping masking and object opacity, 1
- compositing into parent, 1
- grouping, 1
- how elements are rendered, 1
- painters model, 1
- painting raster images, 1
- painting shapes and text, 1
- rendering order, 1
- types of graphics elements, 1
- rendering properties, 1
- 'color-interpolation' property, 1
- 'color-interpolation-filters' property,
- 'color-rendering' property, 1
- 'image-rendering' property, 1
- 'shape-rendering' property, 1
- 'text-rendering' property, 1
- repeatEvent event, 1
- 'requiredExtensions' attribute, 1
- 'requiredFeatures' attribute, 1
- reusable graphics, 1
- 'script' element, 1
- Scripting, 1
- 'contentScriptType' attribute, 1
- event attributes, 1
- event handling, 1
- specifing the scripting language, 1
- 'set' element, 1
- shape, 1
- 'shape-rendering' property, 1
- shift direction, 1
- spacing properties, 1
- 'stop' element, 1
- 'stop-color' property, 1
- 'stop-opacity' property, 1
- stroke, 1
- 'stroke' property, 1
- stroke properties, 1
- 'stroke-dasharray' property, 1
- 'stroke-dashoffset' property, 1
- 'stroke-linecap' property, 1
- 'stroke-linejoin' property, 1
- 'stroke-miterlimit' property, 1
- 'stroke-opacity' property, 1
- 'stroke-width' property, 1
- 'style' attribute, 1
- 'style' element, 1
- Styling, 1
- alternatives for styling, 1
- aural style sheets, 1
- case sensitivity of property names and
values, 1
- 'class' attribute, 1
- 'contentStyleType' attribute, 1
- CSS, 1
- default style sheet language, 1
- external style sheets, 1
- properties from CSS2, 1
- property inheritance, 1
- scenarios, 1
- scope and range of style sheets, 1
- 'style' attribute, 1
- 'style' element, 1
- styling properties, 1
- SVG use of CSS, 1
- user agent style sheet, 1
- using presentation attributes, 1
- XSL, 1
- compatibility with other standards efforts, 1
- explaining the name, 1
- file name extension, 1
- fragment identifiers, 1
- important concepts, 1
- Macintosh file type, 1
- MIME Type, 1
- namespace, 1
- options for using SVG in Web pages, 1
- public identifier, 1
- system identifier, 1
- use of CSS, 1
- 'svg' element, 1
- SVG canvas, 1 2
- SVG document fragment, 1
- defining a new SVG document fragment, 1
- SVG Document Object Model (DOM), 1
- feature strings, 1
- naming conventions, 1
- relationship with Surfing object model, 1
- relationship with DOM2 events, 1
- SVG Fonts, 1
- SVG viewport, 1 2
- SVGAbort event, 1
- SVGError event, 1
- SVGLoad event, 1
- SVGResize event, 1
- SVGScroll event, 1
- SVGUnload event, 1
- 'svgView' specification, 1
- SVGZoom event, 1
- 'switch' element, 1
- 'symbol' element, 1
- 'systemLanguage' attribute, 1
- test attributes, 1
- Text, 1
- clipboard operations, 1
- 'text' element, 1
- text alignment, 1
- text chunks, 1
- text content element, 1
- text layout, 1
- absolute position adjustments, 1
- alignment point, 1
- baseline alignment properties, 1
- bidirectionality, 1
- block progression direction, 1
- current text position, 1
- glyph orientation, 1
- inline progression direction, 1
- reference orientation, 1
- relative position adjustments, 1
- setting the inline progression direction, 1
- shift direction, 1
- spacing properties, 1
- text chunks, 1
- text objects
- object bounding box, 1
- text on a path, 1
- Text on a path layout rules, 1
- text rendering order, 1
- text selection, 1
- text selection implementation notes, 1
- 'text-anchor' property, 1
- 'text-decoration' property, 1
- 'textPath' element, 1
- 'text-rendering' property, 1
- 'title' element, 1
- 'transform' attribute, 1
- transformation, 1
- transformation matrix, 1
- transformations, 1
- nested, 1
- rotation, 1
- scale, 1
- skewX, 1
- skewY, 1
- translation, 1
- 'tref' element, 1
- 'tspan' element, 1
- 'unicode-bidi' property, 1
- units, 1
- unit identifiers, 1
- URI fragment identifiers
- linking into SVG content, 1
- URI reference, 1
- URI references, 1
- attributes, 1 2
- 'use' element, 1
- user agent, 1
- user agent style sheet, 1
- user coordinate system, 1 2
- user interface (UI) events, 1
- processing order, 1
- user space, 1
- user units, 1
- version control, 1
- 'view' element, 1
- 'viewBox' attribute, 1
- viewport, 1 2
- elements that establish new viewports, 1
- establishing a new viewport, 1
- initial, 1
- viewport coordinate system, 1
- viewport space, 1 2
- viewport units, 1
- 'visibility' property, 1
- visibility control, 1
- 'vkern' element, 1
- white space handling, 1
- 'word-spacing' property, 1
- 'writing-mode' property, 1
- XLink attributes, 1
- 'xml:base' attribute, 1
- 'xml:lang' attribute, 1
- 'xml:space' attribute, 1 2
- 'zoomAndPan' attribute, 1








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