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Index of Attributes

Legend: Deprecated, Loose DTD, Frameset DTD

Name Related Elements Type Default Depr. DTD Comment
abbr TD, TH %Text; #IMPLIED abbreviation for header cell
accept-charset FORM %Charsets; #IMPLIED list of supported charsets
accept FORM, INPUT %ContentTypes; #IMPLIED list of MIME types for file upload
accesskey A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, LABEL, LEGEND, TEXTAREA %Character; #IMPLIED accessibility key character
action FORM %URI; #REQUIRED server-side form handler
align CAPTION %CAlign; #IMPLIED D L relative to table
align APPLET, IFRAME, IMG, INPUT, OBJECT %IAlign; #IMPLIED D L vertical or horizontal alignment
align LEGEND %LAlign; #IMPLIED D L relative to fieldset
align TABLE %TAlign; #IMPLIED D L table position relative to window
align HR (left | center | right) #IMPLIED D L
align DIV, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, P (left | center | right | justify) #IMPLIED D L align, text alignment
align COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR (left | center | right | justify | char) #IMPLIED
alink BODY %Color; #IMPLIED D L color of selected links
alt APPLET %Text; #IMPLIED D L short description
alt AREA, IMG %Text; #REQUIRED short description
alt INPUT CDATA #IMPLIED short description
archive APPLET CDATA #IMPLIED D L comma-separated archive list
archive OBJECT CDATA #IMPLIED space-separated list of URIs
axis TD, TH CDATA #IMPLIED comma-separated list of related headers
background BODY %URI; #IMPLIED D L texture tile for document background
bgcolor TABLE %Color; #IMPLIED D L background color for cells
bgcolor TR %Color; #IMPLIED D L background color for row
bgcolor TD, TH %Color; #IMPLIED D L cell background color
bgcolor BODY %Color; #IMPLIED D L document background color
border TABLE %Pixels; #IMPLIED controls frame width around table
border IMG, OBJECT %Pixels; #IMPLIED D L link border width
cellpadding TABLE %Length; #IMPLIED spacing within cells
cellspacing TABLE %Length; #IMPLIED spacing between cells
char COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR %Character; #IMPLIED alignment char, e.g. char=':'
charoff COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR %Length; #IMPLIED offset for alignment char
charset A, LINK, SCRIPT %Charset; #IMPLIED char encoding of linked resource
checked INPUT (checked) #IMPLIED for radio buttons and check boxes
cite BLOCKQUOTE, Q %URI; #IMPLIED URI for source document or msg
cite DEL, INS %URI; #IMPLIED info on reason for change
class All elements but BASE, BASEFONT, HEAD, HTML, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE CDATA #IMPLIED space-separated list of classes
classid OBJECT %URI; #IMPLIED identifies an implementation
clear BR (left | all | right | none) none D L control of text flow
code APPLET CDATA #IMPLIED D L applet class file
codebase OBJECT %URI; #IMPLIED base URI for classid, data, archive
codebase APPLET %URI; #IMPLIED D L optional base URI for applet
codetype OBJECT %ContentType; #IMPLIED content type for code
color BASEFONT, FONT %Color; #IMPLIED D L text color
cols FRAMESET %MultiLengths; #IMPLIED F list of lengths, default: 100% (1 col)
colspan TD, TH NUMBER 1 number of cols spanned by cell
compact DIR, DL, MENU, OL, UL (compact) #IMPLIED D L reduced interitem spacing
content META CDATA #REQUIRED associated information
coords AREA %Coords; #IMPLIED comma-separated list of lengths
coords A %Coords; #IMPLIED for use with client-side image maps
data OBJECT %URI; #IMPLIED reference to object's data
datetime DEL, INS %Datetime; #IMPLIED date and time of change
declare OBJECT (declare) #IMPLIED declare but don't instantiate flag
defer SCRIPT (defer) #IMPLIED UA may defer execution of script
dir All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FRAME, FRAMESET, IFRAME, PARAM, SCRIPT (ltr | rtl) #IMPLIED direction for weak/neutral text
dir BDO (ltr | rtl) #REQUIRED directionality
disabled BUTTON, INPUT, OPTGROUP, OPTION, SELECT, TEXTAREA (disabled) #IMPLIED unavailable in this context
enctype FORM %ContentType; "application/x-www- form-urlencoded"
face BASEFONT, FONT CDATA #IMPLIED D L comma-separated list of font names
for LABEL IDREF #IMPLIED matches field ID value
frame TABLE %TFrame; #IMPLIED which parts of frame to render
frameborder FRAME, IFRAME (1 | 0) 1 F request frame borders?
headers TD, TH IDREFS #IMPLIED list of id's for header cells
height IFRAME %Length; #IMPLIED L frame height
height TD, TH %Length; #IMPLIED D L height for cell
height IMG, OBJECT %Length; #IMPLIED override height
height APPLET %Length; #REQUIRED D L initial height
href A, AREA, LINK %URI; #IMPLIED URI for linked resource
href BASE %URI; #IMPLIED URI that acts as base URI
hreflang A, LINK %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED language code
hspace APPLET, IMG, OBJECT %Pixels; #IMPLIED D L horizontal gutter
http-equiv META NAME #IMPLIED HTTP response header name
id All elements but BASE, HEAD, HTML, META, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE ID #IMPLIED document-wide unique id
ismap IMG, INPUT (ismap) #IMPLIED use server-side image map
label OPTION %Text; #IMPLIED for use in hierarchical menus
label OPTGROUP %Text; #REQUIRED for use in hierarchical menus
lang All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BR, FRAME, FRAMESET, IFRAME, PARAM, SCRIPT %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED language code
language SCRIPT CDATA #IMPLIED D L predefined script language name
link BODY %Color; #IMPLIED D L color of links
longdesc IMG %URI; #IMPLIED link to long description (complements alt)
longdesc FRAME, IFRAME %URI; #IMPLIED F link to long description (complements title)
marginheight FRAME, IFRAME %Pixels; #IMPLIED F margin height in pixels
marginwidth FRAME, IFRAME %Pixels; #IMPLIED F margin widths in pixels
maxlength INPUT NUMBER #IMPLIED max chars for text fields
media STYLE %MediaDesc; #IMPLIED designed for use with these media
media LINK %MediaDesc; #IMPLIED for rendering on these media
method FORM (GET | POST) GET HTTP method used to submit the form
multiple SELECT (multiple) #IMPLIED default is single selection
name APPLET CDATA #IMPLIED D L allows applets to find each other
name SELECT CDATA #IMPLIED field name
name FORM CDATA #IMPLIED name of form for scripting
name FRAME, IFRAME CDATA #IMPLIED F name of frame for targetting
name IMG CDATA #IMPLIED name of image for scripting
name A CDATA #IMPLIED named link end
name INPUT, OBJECT CDATA #IMPLIED submit as part of form
name MAP CDATA #REQUIRED for reference by usemap
name PARAM CDATA #REQUIRED property name
name META NAME #IMPLIED metainformation name
nohref AREA (nohref) #IMPLIED this region has no action
noresize FRAME (noresize) #IMPLIED F allow users to resize frames?
noshade HR (noshade) #IMPLIED D L
nowrap TD, TH (nowrap) #IMPLIED D L suppress word wrap
object APPLET CDATA #IMPLIED D L serialized applet file
onblur A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, LABEL, SELECT, TEXTAREA %Script; #IMPLIED the element lost the focus
onchange INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA %Script; #IMPLIED the element value was changed
onclick All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE %Script; #IMPLIED a pointer button was clicked
ondblclick All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE %Script; #IMPLIED a pointer button was double clicked
onfocus A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, LABEL, SELECT, TEXTAREA %Script; #IMPLIED the element got the focus
onkeypress All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE %Script; #IMPLIED a key was pressed and released
onload FRAMESET %Script; #IMPLIED F all the frames have been loaded
onload BODY %Script; #IMPLIED the document has been loaded
onmousedown All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE %Script; #IMPLIED a pointer button was pressed down
onmousemove All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE %Script; #IMPLIED a pointer was moved within
onmouseover All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE %Script; #IMPLIED a pointer was moved onto
onmouseup All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FONT, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, HTML, IFRAME, ISINDEX, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE %Script; #IMPLIED a pointer button was released
onreset FORM %Script; #IMPLIED the form was reset
onselect INPUT, TEXTAREA %Script; #IMPLIED some text was selected
onsubmit FORM %Script; #IMPLIED the form was submitted
onunload FRAMESET %Script; #IMPLIED F all the frames have been removed
onunload BODY %Script; #IMPLIED the document has been removed
profile HEAD %URI; #IMPLIED named dictionary of meta info
prompt ISINDEX %Text; #IMPLIED D L prompt message
readonly TEXTAREA (readonly) #IMPLIED
readonly INPUT (readonly) #IMPLIED for text and passwd
rel A, LINK %LinkTypes; #IMPLIED forward link types
rev A, LINK %LinkTypes; #IMPLIED reverse link types
rows FRAMESET %MultiLengths; #IMPLIED F list of lengths, default: 100% (1 row)
rowspan TD, TH NUMBER 1 number of rows spanned by cell
rules TABLE %TRules; #IMPLIED rulings between rows and cols
scheme META CDATA #IMPLIED select form of content
scope TD, TH %Scope; #IMPLIED scope covered by header cells
scrolling FRAME, IFRAME (yes | no | auto) auto F scrollbar or none
selected OPTION (selected) #IMPLIED
shape AREA %Shape; rect controls interpretation of coords
shape A %Shape; rect for use with client-side image maps
size HR %Pixels; #IMPLIED D L
size FONT CDATA #IMPLIED D L [+|-]nn e.g. size="+1", size="4"
size INPUT CDATA #IMPLIED specific to each type of field
size BASEFONT CDATA #REQUIRED D L base font size for FONT elements
size SELECT NUMBER #IMPLIED rows visible
span COL NUMBER 1 COL attributes affect N columns
span COLGROUP NUMBER 1 default number of columns in group
src SCRIPT %URI; #IMPLIED URI for an external script
src INPUT %URI; #IMPLIED for fields with images
src FRAME, IFRAME %URI; #IMPLIED F source of frame content
src IMG %URI; #REQUIRED URI of image to embed
standby OBJECT %Text; #IMPLIED message to show while loading
start OL NUMBER #IMPLIED D L starting sequence number
style All elements but BASE, BASEFONT, HEAD, HTML, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED associated style info
summary TABLE %Text; #IMPLIED purpose/structure for speech output
tabindex A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, OBJECT, SELECT, TEXTAREA NUMBER #IMPLIED position in tabbing order
target A, AREA, BASE, FORM, LINK %FrameTarget; #IMPLIED L render in this frame
text BODY %Color; #IMPLIED D L document text color
title All elements but BASE, BASEFONT, HEAD, HTML, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, TITLE %Text; #IMPLIED advisory title
type A, LINK %ContentType; #IMPLIED advisory content type
type OBJECT %ContentType; #IMPLIED content type for data
type PARAM %ContentType; #IMPLIED content type for value when valuetype=ref
type SCRIPT %ContentType; #REQUIRED content type of script language
type STYLE %ContentType; #REQUIRED content type of style language
type INPUT %InputType; TEXT what kind of widget is needed
type LI %LIStyle; #IMPLIED D L list item style
type OL %OLStyle; #IMPLIED D L numbering style
type UL %ULStyle; #IMPLIED D L bullet style
type BUTTON (button | submit | reset) submit for use as form button
usemap IMG, INPUT, OBJECT %URI; #IMPLIED use client-side image map
valign COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR (top | middle | bottom | baseline) #IMPLIED vertical alignment in cells
value INPUT CDATA #IMPLIED Specify for radio buttons and checkboxes
value OPTION CDATA #IMPLIED defaults to element content
value PARAM CDATA #IMPLIED property value
value BUTTON CDATA #IMPLIED sent to server when submitted
value LI NUMBER #IMPLIED D L reset sequence number
valuetype PARAM (DATA | REF | OBJECT) DATA How to interpret value
version HTML CDATA %HTML.Version; D L Constant
vlink BODY %Color; #IMPLIED D L color of visited links
vspace APPLET, IMG, OBJECT %Pixels; #IMPLIED D L vertical gutter
width HR %Length; #IMPLIED D L
width IFRAME %Length; #IMPLIED L frame width
width IMG, OBJECT %Length; #IMPLIED override width
width TABLE %Length; #IMPLIED table width
width TD, TH %Length; #IMPLIED D L width for cell
width APPLET %Length; #REQUIRED D L initial width
width COL %MultiLength; #IMPLIED column width specification
width COLGROUP %MultiLength; #IMPLIED default width for enclosed COLs



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